Sports Day – The Merry Hill Games – Year 2

Today Year 2 had a great time taking part in Sports Day! The children loved waving their class flags, parading out to motivational music and taking part in the different events with great team spirit. The teachers were very impressed with how well the children kept going with all of the activities, even when they were a bit tricky. The children were also brilliant at cheering their friends on and encouraging them in their achievements.

Look at our photos!


Super goal scorers:

Great hockey dribbling:


Fun in the obstacle course:

Fantastic concentration in the egg and spoon:

Amazing bean-bag throwing:


The children were also super speedy in their running races!


Bears and Giraffes were very proud of their medals, awarded by Ms Adams and Reece (Mrs Earle’s son)

An amazing day was had by all!


How to help at home 

  • Talk about the things you most enjoyed about Sports Day with your family.
  • Plan and take part in your own family sports day – what activities will you do? How long will each activity take? How long will the whole thing take?
  • Watch different sports as a family on the TV. Get ready for the Paris Olympics 2024 starting on Fri 26th July!
  • Visit the library and look for books about different sports.