This week in Maths we have been learning to use the correct mathematical vocabulary to name and describe 2D and 3D shapes.
We started this new learning sequence by having the class discuss what they already know about a square. They took turns to explain while the teacher drew shapes that matched their description but these drawing did not necessarily look like a square! This helped the children refine their descriptions. We got there in the end!
The teacher, with help, clarified that a square is a 4-sided shape. ‘All the sides are the same length and all the angles at the vertices are also the same size’.
We then named 2D shapes together. We thought of ways to remember the names. For example:
· Hexagon and six both have an x in so hexagons are 6-sided shapes.
· Octagon starts with the same syllable as octopus. I know an octopus has 8 legs so an octagon is an 8 sided shape.
· Quad-bikes have 4 wheels so a quadrilateral has 4 sides.
The children then used a collection of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8-sided shapes that were both regular and irregular to sort shapes, according to
· number of sides
· number of vertices
· regular and irregular (a regular shape has all sides the same length and all the angles (vertices) are the same).
Lastly we played the game ‘Knowing my shapes’ in groups of 4 . The children used a variety of 2D shapes and digit cards numbered 3-8. The children had to take turns to:
-Pick a card and then find a shape with that number of sides
-Name the shape and say one other thing about the properties of that shape
-If their partner agreed that what is said is correct, the player kept the shape
-The player with the most shapes won the game!
During our next lessons we will learn about 3D shapes by handling, naming and sorting. The following key sentences will help us:
- The flat surfaces on a 3D shape are called faces
- An edge is where 2 faces meet
- When edges join together this is a vertex
How to support at home:
- Hunt for 2D and 3D shapes in the environment and use their mathematical names
- Identify the properties of shapes you find using the vocabulary sides, faces, edges and vertices
- Look for lots of a chosen shape e.g. cuboids, how are they the same? different?