We have had another lovely week in Nursery!

With the warmer weather we tried to make the most of the outside spaces and spent as much time as possible outside of the classroom. We had plenty of time to explore cause and effect in the water tray as well as creating habitats for the small world animals while playing under the willow tree on the field!

In Literacy we read “What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside” and it is a lovely crossover between our minibeast and seaside holiday topics! In the next few weeks, the children will learn to act out the story then change the characters and the ending in order to create their own version of the story.

The children enjoyed having their maths lessons outside, looking for 3D shapes in the playgrounds and our forest area. We were delighted to spot cubes, cylinders, spheres and cones!
We have continued with our Van Gogh art and the children are working hard to produce a class picture to display during the open afternoon.
How you can help at home:
Can your child spot different 3D shapes in their environment? Can they find a pyramid or a cone? When you are in the shops, can you spot any cylinders or cuboids?

We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Nursery team xx