This week in Reception and our Trip to Tring Museum


We have been continuing our learning on pirates by learning about time connectives. Here are the actions we use when we retell a story using time words.

We followed written instructions to make a pirate hat and a treasure map. We connected jumbled up time words to the written time connectives to help us learn whether they need to be used in the beginning, middle or the end. There was a challenge in the treasure box to put the instruction photos in the correct order without the words. The children will be building on this to write their own instructions soon.

Our Trip to Tring Museum

Our trip to Tring Museum on Thursday the 6th of June was a huge success! First we lined up with our partners and our key adults and boarded the coach. We were so grown up and sensible walking down the pavement. We put on our seatbelts and went on our way! We played ISpy and looked at the scenery.

After that, it was time for our Minibeast Workshop. We observed pond creatures in pond water and wrote down our findings then went to the meadow to catch more wild minibeasts with nets. We were ever so lucky to find and capture a dragonfly, bumblebee, caterpillar, snail and beetle. We even spotted a rare wild orchid growing in the meadow, which is not very common and a special experience to share.

Next we went inside to visit galleries 1 and 3. We were able to stroke the fur of a real red fox and squirrel monkey.

Finally we visited galleries 4 and 5. The Zebra room was fascinating, we all gathered to look closely at the Zebras features and find out about Walter Rothschild who owned the museum and used to ride a carriage pulled by Zebras through the streets of Tring. When we found the W for walrus we challenged ourselves to spell walrus with our bodies!

Lastly we went back on the coach and had a safe journey home. By this time some of us were exhausted and had a few zzzzzzzz’s.


Thank you to all our parent helpers!