This week in Year 2!

It is a very busy time in Year 2 as the end of term approaches!

The Year 2 show rehearsals are in full swing. The children are working very hard and have done so well to learn their lines, song words, dance routines and when to come on and off the stage. The teachers are all very impressed! The children can’t wait to present to you ‘The Merry Hill Games 2024’!

On Tuesday, Bears and Giraffes visited Ashfield school to undertake a PE session organised by Year 5 (who will be at the top of the school next year). The Year 5s led three different games brilliantly and really looked out for their younger colleagues. The children rotated around the different stations and great fun was had by all! It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to mix together, chat and start building relationships. It also provided a perfect transition activity for Bears and Giraffes as they became more familiar with Ashfield, whilst engaging in relaxed and fun activities. It was great to watch and will prepare them well for their transition morning next week. We have lots of activities planned to positively support the children’s range of emotions in the lead up to the end of term and we thank you for your continued support in ensuring the transition is as seamless as possible.

How you can help at home

  • Please continue to practise lines and songs for the show.
  • Continue to regularly check in with your child to see how their day has been.  Ask about the highlights of their day. Also listen out for any worries, acknowledge the feelings (normal for change to cause them) and provide reassurance  (please don’t hesitate to get in touch if necessary).