Our Learning Community
Our Curriculum
At Merry Hill, we have developed a broad curriculum driven by the learning elements our children require to be successful life-long learners. Our curriculum is knowledge rich and delivered through adaptable child centred topics which provide a meaningful and engaging context for their learning. ** This section is under development and not all the documentation …
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a very important time in a child’s school career, where the foundations are laid for their future education . The children in the Early Years learn through structured and planned play which is both challenging and stimulating. Our Ambitious Curriculum Welcome to Early Years Timetables Topic Maps Literacy and …
Year 1
Year 1 is an exciting year for the children (and teachers!). We hope the children will come home full of stories to tell about the interesting things they are learning. The beginning of Year 1 is all about transition and helping the children to develop greater independence. Early in Year 1 we utilise practical …
Year 2
The final year of Infant School, bringing with it the increased responsibilities of being ‘top of the school.’ In Year 2 (Giraffes and Bears) we plan an exciting curriculum and continue to encourage children to become enthusiastic and independent learners. A significant focus on the teaching of basic skills in reading, writing and maths …
Merry Hill uses the Jigsaw PSHE (personal social health education) programme. Jigsaw brings together PSHE education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It aims to enhance self-esteem and positive behaviour and relationships within the school. Want to know more? If you want to know more about Jigsaw, please do not hesitate to ask …
Promoting British Values
At Merry Hill Infant School and Nursery, we fully support the ethos of promoting British Values to prepare our pupils for every success in modern Britain. We understand that the society we live in is diverse, and our curriculum and life at Merry Hill reflect this. Underpinning everything we do are the values and understanding …
Special Educational Needs
In September 2014, a new Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) became law in England. It covers all schools and settings that cater for children and young people from 0 to 25. Merry Hill is a two-form entry, mainstream, inclusive community Infant School with a 60-place Nursery class. At Merry Hill, …
Pupil Premium
The funding we receive includes an allocation of pupil premium (government funding to boost achievement for specific pupils). What is the Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium (PP) was introduced in April 2011. It is additional funding provided by the Government for eligible pupils, to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. It is allocated to children …
Remote Learning
During periods of school closure, Merry Hill will be providing immediate remote education for all children. All learning will follow our progressive and creative curriculum and be closely matched to what the children would be learning at school if the school was open. We have adopted a blended approach to remote learning, providing a range …
Year Group Blogs
View our weekly blogs which celebrate learning within school and provide ideas on how you can support your child’s learning at home.