Return to Our School

Reception Admissions

The adventure begins! Compulsory education for children starts at age 5.

We have provision for 60 children in our two Reception classes. Children generally start school at Merry Hill in September of the school year in which they turn 5, but Hertfordshire now allows parents of summer born children to apply for a school place in the year after their child’s 5th birthday.

Welcome to Merry Hill tour dates

We have the following dates and times available:
Tours will recommence in November 2024 and will be published here late September.
Call 0208 950 2166 (option 4) to speak to the school office and book a space on any of the above tours.
Please note we kindly ask that no children attend.

Welcome to our virtual tour

Important:  Please do not use the admissions email address provided at the end of the video but contact us at

Once children start school, our aim is to settle them as quickly as possible in to the routine and life of the school.  Early in the term, we hold meet the teacher sessions for parents and hope that parents too will very soon feel a part of our school community.

Admission Rules

The criteria for entry to the school are set out in Hertfordshire’s Determined Admission Arrangements.  The Admission Rules that apply if the school receives more applications than there are places available are as follows:

Rule 1. Children looked after and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order).
Rule 2. Medical or Social Needs Children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the school.
Rule 3.  [Linked School – does not apply to Merry Hill.]
Rule 4. Sibling Children who have a sibling on the roll at Merry Hill Infant School or Ashfield Junior School at the time of application. This applies to Reception through to Year 5.
Rule 5. Nearest School Children for whom it is their nearest community or voluntary controlled school or an own admitting school or academy using Hertfordshire County Council’s admission rules.
Rule 6. Distance Children who live nearest to the school. (Children not considered under Rule 5 will be considered under Rule 6).

Online Applications

The Online Applications system for September 2023 entry is now closed.  Nevetheless, ‘late’ applications for the normal admissions round (i.e. between 16 April and 31 August) should continue to be made to the child’s home local authority.

For September 2024 entry, once the system opens, applications should be made using the online system at:

Alternatively, a paper application can be sent to the County Admissions and Transport Team.  Please contact the school office if you require assistance to complete the application and we will do our best to help.

Key Dates in the Admissions Process 2024/25

Date of birth 01/09/19-31/08/20
School start date September 2024
Applications open 1 November 2023
Applications close 15 January 2024
School offers made 16 April 2024


Admission Appeals and Reviews are also administered by Hertfordshire County Council. The timetable for 2023 appeals can be found at: