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Although the wearing of uniform is not compulsory, we encourage all children in Reception and KS1 to wear our school uniform.

Our school uniform is simple, yet smart:

  • Yellow polo shirt with school badge*
  • Grey sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge*
  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Grey shorts (summer term)
  • Yellow gingham dress (summer term)

You will be provided with a PE bag when your child starts school, courtesy of Friends of Merry Hill.  For PE, we ask that the children wear:

  • White PE T-shirt
  • Black PE shorts
  • Black jogging bottoms (winter term)
  • Slip on or Velcro plimsolls (not trainers)

* The badged items are available from our school uniform suppliers (see link below) but please note that non-badge alternatives are available from most large department stores.

Waterproof Clothing for Outdoor Play

The children have access to outdoor play in all weathers. In cold weather, please ensure your child has a warm waterproof coat with a hood, hat, scarf and gloves—all named, please. In addition, please provide your child with a pair of named wellington boots that will stay at school. Only children with wellington boots will be allowed to play in the wildlife area when it is muddy and to join in with gardening activities.


We ask that Nursery children wear:

  • Black elasticated-waist jogging trousers (or elasticated-waist shorts in the summer) – NB Not trousers with buttons or zips
  • Yellow t-shirt/polo shirt and grey jumper or cardigan
  • Sensible shoes –  with Velcro, not laces or buckles, (No shoes with open toes or heels and not ‘Crocs’ or fashion boots)
  • Wellington boots (to be left at school)
  • Coat with a hood


Other notes


For obvious health and safety reasons, jewellery and watches should not be worn to school. For safety, children who have their ears pierced should only wear plain studs, not sleepers, hoops or dangling earrings. Studs must be removed for PE or covered with micropore tape.

Accidents and Changing

We do have some extra clothing in case of accidents. However, if your child is happier to change into clothing they recognise, a spare set kept in their yellow book bag would be useful. If we do provide your child with clean clothing, please return this to us as soon as it has been washed.

Hot weather

In hot weather, please ensure your child has a named sunhat that covers their face and preferably neck as well. We ask parents to apply sun cream before school that will last for the duration of the school day.

Water bottles

Please make sure your child brings in their bottle of water each day. Staff will refill bottles during the day if needed or offer a cup of water should they forget their bottle.  Water bottles can be purchased via Scopay, our online communications and payment system.

Book bags

School book bags are available for purchase via Scopay.