Parents’ Information
Parent Partnership
We value greatly our partnership with parents and have an open door policy at the end of each day for parents to pop in and see their child’s class teacher to discuss any queries or concerns The start of the day is a very busy time for the teachers and teaching support staff, so we …
The School Day
For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, doors open at 8.45am, to allow a ‘soft start’ to the day. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 session times Start of morning session *8:55am Assembly (unless year group assembly) 10.30am Morning play 10:30am – 10.50am Lunch 12 noon – 1.00pm Start of afternoon session 1:15pm End of school day …
The law requires that children of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education. Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their child attends school regularly. The Department for Education considers that unnecessary absence from school is unacceptable and must be prevented and tackled by schools: promoting regular school attendance is a key …
Although the wearing of uniform is not compulsory, we encourage all children in Reception and KS1 to wear our school uniform. Our school uniform is simple, yet smart: Yellow polo shirt with school badge* Grey sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge* Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore Grey shorts (summer term) Yellow gingham dress (summer term) …
School Meals & Milk
Since September 2014, all Infant pupils have been entitled to a free school meal under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) initiative. School meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (HCL) and are cooked on site daily. Alternatively, pupils may bring packed lunches from home – parents are requested to include healthy choices …
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club aims to provide a happy and welcoming start to your child’s academic day. The Breakfast Club will be open from 7.30am, term time only, offering a safe and friendly environment in which children can play and enjoy a healthy, nutritious breakfast under the supervision of qualified staff. There will be a number …
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Throughout the school year, external providers offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities for children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Club sessions take place before school, at lunchtimes, during or after school. Participation letters are sent out at the end of each term for activities taking place in the following term. Places are limited …
Mental Health & Emotional Well-being
At Merry Hill we want to support every child’s emotional well-being so that they are happy and ready to learn. We believe this is fundamental to our school vision of ‘A Happy Face, A Learning Place, A Growing Space’. In recognition of our exceptional efforts in promoting positive mental health and well-being for all pupils, …
School Development Priorities
Key School Priorities Intent Key School Priority 1 To enhance provision to enable greater independence by : Creating an implementation plan with all stakeholders. Staff use this to monitor the effectiveness of our implementation of this priority. Governors use this to hold SLT to account Leaders sharing research with the team and providing timely …