Our School Vision is at the heart of everything we do – from preparing lessons, to working with the children, to recruiting new staff, to improving our facilities.
The Merry Hill School Vision is a simple statement of the type of school we wish to see. In many aspects it is a reflection of what we have already achieved at Merry Hill; in others it is a statement of how we would like to develop the school. Overall it is at the heart of everything we do from preparing lessons, to working with the children, to recruiting new staff, to improving our facilities.
Merry Hill School believes:
- Every child’s emotional wellbeing is supported so that they are happy and ready to learn (A Happy Face)
- Every child should be valued for their individuality, culture and heritage (A Learning Place)
- Every child should be encouraged to develop their full potential in a safe, stimulating and caring environment (A Growing Space)
We aim to achieve this vision by:
- Working together as a team – staff, parents and governors and the local community.
- Providing a secure, caring and stimulating environment that will encourage children to develop lively, enquiring minds.
- Fostering the development of a positive self image, independence and a sense of responsibility.
- Enabling children to become aware of their own feelings and to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others; also to develop a concern for all living things and for the environment inside and outside the school.
- Giving the children the opportunity to work both independently and collaboratively, to enable them to begin to develop their potential both physically and intellectually.
- Presenting a broad and balanced curriculum that will stimulate a natural curiosity and a love of learning.
Providing a curriculum that is sufficiently differentiated to meet the needs of each child.
Our wish is for the children to take with them happy memories of their early years at Merry Hill.
School Creed
In our assemblies we often say the following poem, which demonstrates our vision and we hope is acceptable to all faiths. It is based on a verse first used in a one-room school in Canada, but this version has been devised to use more modern words, e.g. ‘live’ for ‘dwell’, and ‘happiness’ for ‘contentment’.
This is our school,
Let peace live here.
Let the rooms be full of happiness.
Let love be all around,
Love of one another,
Love of all people,
And love of life and living.
Let us remember
That as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.
The children learn the poem by heart and even the youngest ones appear to have no problems remembering the words. It is very worthwhile as an act of togetherness in which all can participate.