The staff and governors of Merry Hill Infant School take very seriously their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils.
Merry Hill aims to:
- Create and maintain a safe learning environment for children.
- Identify where there are child welfare concerns and take action to address them (in partnership with other organisations where appropriate).
I feel safe at Merry Hill school because when I’m lonely my friends and teachers are around me.
The school has effective arrangements in place to address a range of issues such as child protection, pupil health and safety, bullying (including cyberbullying), provision of first aid and school security. We also take seriously our duty to protect pupil privacy in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
We use the curriculum to start to develop children’s understanding, awareness and resilience: the curriculum for Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship (PSHEC) provides opportunities for children to learn about keeping safe. Although our children are very young we are aware that web enabled technology and social media is reaching ever younger children and we want our children to know how to be eSafe. Herts for Learning publishes a termly eSafety newsletter for parents – you can read it by clicking on the link to the right of this page. Alternatively take a look at the Ditto online safety magazine for school children.
All staff attend annual Safeguarding training. The Designated Senior Lead (DSL) for Child Protection is the Headteacher, Ms Melissa Adams and the Deputy DSL’s are Mrs Sarah Ineson and Mrs Fay Summers.
The principal policies relating to safeguarding are available via the links below, or copies can be requested from the School Office.
Resources for Parents
For more eSafety resources and advice click on the information and links below.
CEOP Command
CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and to protect children from harm online and offline. They publish a number of resources for parents on how to keep children safe.