Category: year2

This week in Year 2!

It is a very busy time in Year 2 as the end of term approaches! The Year 2 show rehearsals are in full swing. The children are working very hard and have done so well to learn their lines, song words, dance routines and when to come on and off the stage. The teachers are …

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2D and 3D shape in Year 2

This week in Maths we have been learning to use the correct mathematical vocabulary to name and describe 2D and 3D shapes. We started this new learning sequence  by having the class discuss  what they already know about a square. They took turns to explain while the teacher drew shapes that matched their description but …

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Sports Day – The Merry Hill Games – Year 2

Today Year 2 had a great time taking part in Sports Day! The children loved waving their class flags, parading out to motivational music and taking part in the different events with great team spirit. The teachers were very impressed with how well the children kept going with all of the activities, even when they …

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Roald Dahl’s Gallery visit

This week Year 2 were very excited and full of magic when they began their trip to the Roald Dahl Museum. When we arrived we were buzzing with excitement as if we we had received our very own Golden Tickets! We were quick to get unpacked and ready to begin the day of adventure. We …

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Design Technology in Year 2!

This half term Year 2 are excited to be learning, designing and making kites! This week the children have been excited to bring in their own kites from home and these have been displayed around the classroom for all to see! We have loved seeing the different shapes, designs and styles of kite. Today we …

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Year 2 science and computing!

In Science recently we have been thinking about habitats and what that means . We learnt a simple definition as part of our Word Aware program – ‘A habitat is a place where an animal or plant lives‘.  We have been doing a lot of work understanding why different species of animal live in different …

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Our Artist this term is Edgar Degas whose main focus in his paintings are people and figures. So, we started the term with a whole class follow along to sketching a person’s figure.  We had to use our light sketching lines and think about the proportions of the body parts. Lots of us found it funny when our teacher drew …

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Maths in Year 2!

This week in Maths, Year 2 have been very busy learning to multiply by 5, following learning how to multiply by 2s and 10s. The children have been excited to learn the mathematical  terms ‘factor’ and ‘product’ and to know that multiplication is ‘commutative’ which means you can multiply the factors in any order and …

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Explain, Explain, Explanations!

For the last two weeks, year two have been working really hard learning how to write explanation texts in English. An explanation text is a piece of writing that explains how to do something. We began our unit of learning like every other English unit, with a cold task. This is when we complete a …

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Purple Up Day in Year 2!

  April is the month of the military child and we are glad to have some children whose parents are in the Armed Forces within our community here at Merry Hill Infant School. Today we learnt a bit more about what it means to be part of a military family. We started our day by …

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