Author's posts
Feb 06
Maths – How to work out change
This week in Year 2, we have been looking at money. We have focussed on making different combinations of the same amount. To do this, we used our prior learning of our part-whole models and physical money to show how an amount can be made in different ways. We learnt a key sentence this week …
Jan 30
The Great Kapok Tree
Over the last 3 weeks in English we have been learning to write stories. We started by learning a story called The Great Kapok Tree off by heart. We used a story map and made up our own actions to help us. We thought it was a great story and really enjoyed listening to it …
Jan 21
Yayoi Kusama Inspired Sculpture
This term in Art we are studying Yayoi Kusama, a Japanese artist known for her artwork with sculpture and bright colour. We have been learning some key skills a clay sculptor must know. First, we were given the clay tools, a rolling pin and a word mat with different techniques to manipulate clay. For example, …
Jan 16
Animals including humans
This term our science topic is Animals, including humans and looking at growth over time. We started by thinking about ourselves and the lifecycle of a human. We brought in photos of ourselves as babies and really enjoyed looking at a gallery and working out who was who! The children then thought about the word …
Jan 09
Welcome back and a Happy New Year! The children have returned with stories of Christmas joy and new year excitement. We got stuck in straight away with our learning this week. In English, we started to learn our new story: The Great Kapok Tree. We learnt the story which is based in a rainforest and …
Dec 12
Think 10 for addition and subtraction
This week in Maths we have been using our knowledge of 10 to help us add and subtract efficiently. We used tens frames and counters to help use this method using concrete equipment. We have also been exploring how this might look pictorially as well as using more formal written methods. Think 10 is not …
Dec 03
Writing about Nunavut
This term in Geography we have been learning about the territory Nunavut, Canada. We studied the equator and learnt that countries located nearer the equator are hot and countries away from it are cold. We learnt that Nunavut is near the Artic Circle and its landscapes are generally very cold, icy and white. We have …
Nov 26
DT- structures
Over the last few weeks in Year 2 we have been looking at making structures. We learnt that a structure needs to be stiff, strong and stable. During our first week in DT we tested different materials and joining techniques to produce a 3D structure that was stiff, strong and stable. We used paper, card, …
Nov 21
Materials in Year 2
In Year 2 this week, we began our science lesson with the word absorbent. We discussed its meaning using our Word Aware strategies at Merry Hill. First, we said the word, next we clapped the syllables in the word, then we discussed its meaning, and finally we rapped the word! We especially enjoyed the last …
Nov 14
In year 2 we have been learning to use “Think addition for subtraction” because it will help us become more efficient when calculating. Firstly we looked at missing parts in a part part whole model. We wrote the subtraction equation and addition number sentences. This helped us recognise that we can use addition to help …