In History we are learning about The Great Fire of London.
We started our learning by using a range of sources to find out about the fire. We used websites, videos, pictures and books. We wrote down one fact from each source. We were particularly interested to find out about a man named Samuel Pepys; he buried his cheese and wine to stop it being spoilt in the fire!

Then we used a timeline to put the events of the fire in order. We used the days of the week and times of day to help us order the events.

This week we have been thinking about why the fire is known as a significant event. We know that the fire lasted for a long time and it spread very quickly. We learnt that Tudor houses were made of wood and that wood burns easily so that could be a reason for the fire spreading. We also learnt that the weather had been very dry before the fire which made the wood dry and more flammable, we also found out that the wind helped the fire to spread.
Look at the Tudor houses we made.

*The words in bold are our word aware words from each week. Please model using these in varied sentences for the children to reinforce the learning.
How to support at home
- Play The Great Fire of London game to find out more about the fire –
- Go to the library and find some books that might tell you more about the fire
- Visit Pudding Lane and the Monument in London, or have a look at pictures of them
- Think about your own history – use a timeline to put events in order