Another week has flown by! The children have had a great time looking after the chicks and we were convinced that they doubled in size every day! Our tiny little chicks from last weeks have now turned into well loved big chicks.
In preparation for World Book Day, we have looked at a range of books. Â The children were very interested to read fiction and non-fiction books related to our topic. Â After reading a non fiction book about chickens, we decided to work as a class to write our own fact book about our chicks. Â The children were so proud of their work and of the fact that they are indeed all authors! Some even took their learning a step further and tried to write their own fact book.
World book day was a huge success and the children loved listening to a variety of stories read by surprise readers though out the day.  They were an amazing audience  and really listened attentively to the stories read by Mr Reid and Ms Adams.
There was just about enough time during the day to sit, relax  and enjoy their books in class with their friends.  We are all super proud of our children showing such a love for reading and books and as Mr Reid said during our assembly, reading a book can really take you on wonderful adventures!
At our creation station, the children followed a multi step process to make their special cards for their mummies. Â They really focussed hard and concentrated to be able to write their names independently and they carefully thought of the colours their mummies would like best.
How to help at home:
At bedtime, get your child to talk about their favourite parts of their bedtime story. Â What was their favourite thing that happened in the story? Could they predict the end of the story? Â Did they like the ending and why? Would they like the story to end another way? It would be very helpful if children are really thinking about their answers and explaining why they think that way.
We hope you all ( and especially the mummies)  have an extra special weekend!
Lots of love,
The Nursery Team xxx