Over the past few weeks in Nursery, we have been introducing phonics to the children. Phonics is when we match the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters. The teaching of phonics starts with the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n. These particular sounds are taught first because that combination …
Category: nursery
Jan 31
This week in Nursery
This week we LOVED learning about two very special events. We were very lucky to have two special visitors this week who came to talk to us about these events. Mrs Law came in on Monday to talk to us about Australia Day. She was born in Australia and it was lovely hearing about all …
Jan 24
This week in Nursery
This week in Literacy we have started a new book – Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. The children have loved immersing themselves in all things zoo and animal! We have learned lots of new skills including predicting and reasoning, remembering why each animal had to be sent back. “The giraffe is too tall!” “The lion …
Jan 17
This week in Nursery
This week, we have been continuing with our class story, ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ by Janet and Alan Ahlberg. The story is beautifully illustrated and has given us many opportunities to talk about some well-known nursery rhymes and story characters: ‘Cinderella is walking up the stairs’ (Theo). ‘Little Bo Peep is sitting on the well.’ …
Jan 10
Welcome back!
Happy New Year to all our families! We hope you enjoyed the festive period and are recharged ready for a new term in Nursery! We had a very exciting start to the new year with the visit of snow! This prompted much excitement and conversation from all the children. We suited ourselves up and went …
Dec 13
The Travelling Star
This week has seen Nursery take part in their first show at school! Nursery worked very hard in rehearsals and were great at sitting beautifully whilst they watched the rest of the show. They sung beautifully and did a brilliant job adding the actions. We are so proud of them and sure you all are …
Dec 06
This week in Nursery
We have a new Nursery member! Take Home Ted has already visited two of our Nursery families and has had some exciting adventures. We are so proud of the children that have already had fun with Ted – they are building up their confidence as well as developing their communication and language skills! Each week, …
Nov 29
Train Ride!
This week in Nursery we have started to look at our new book, The Train Ride by June Crebbin. In the story, a little girl travels by train through different scenery and notices all sorts of things as she looks out of the window! You can listen to the story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMmO7QNd57Q In our …
Nov 24
Snow at Nursery!
This week was very exciting at school – we had snow! Lots of us came to school talking about the unexpected weather so we decided to embrace it! Here we are having lots of fun exploring the snow and ice. The children have been discussing the change in weather, thinking about the colour of the …
Nov 15
This week in Nursery
This week is Nursery Rhyme Week, so we have been singing and practising lots of our favourite rhymes! Nursery rhymes are so important to help children hear patterns in language which in turn will support them when practising phonics and learning to read. We sing nursery rhymes everyday and it is wonderful seeing the children …