Author's posts

The last week!

How is it possible that this year has flown by so quickly?  The days are long but the years are short! During our Jigsaw sessions, we have talked a lot about the children’s transition into their new classes, with new friends,  different adults or even different schools.  He children have taken on board our discussions …

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Another lovely week

We have had another lovely week in Nursery! With the warmer weather we tried to make the most of the outside spaces and spent as much time as possible outside of the classroom.  We had plenty of time to explore cause and effect in the water tray as well as creating habitats for the small …

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Sports Day! ☀️

This week we have focused on getting ready for our very first Sports Day! We were very lucky with the weather and had a lovely day full of fun and to end it with a picnic was the icing on the cake! Throughout the week we took part in different activities in order to practice …

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A wet and windy week…

This week we might not have enjoyed the best weather, but that definitely did not dampen the children’s excitement and engagement in their learning this week. The children enjoyed listening to different fictional stories about spiders and this led to us focusing on facts about spiders during our science lessons this week. Not only did …

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The last term!

It is almost impossible to think we are now starting the last half term of the academic year. We are incredibly proud of all the progress the children have made so far and we still have half a term to go!

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The last week

This week has absolutely flown by! It has been a fun filled week with lots of learning being consolidated and the children working as hard as always. We have been looking at non-fiction texts about different lifecycles and the children enjoyed comparing the life cycles we have learned about.  We had class discussions about where you …

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Another week in Nursery

It has been another fabulous week in Nursery with a range of activities and lots of learning happening in and outside the classroom.  The children enjoyed the sunny spells in the garden  and made the most of the water puddles  this week. Carrying on with our growing topic, we have been looking at fiction and …

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This week in Nursery

Although we had a shorter week, it does not mean we have been doing less work. With the lovely weather, we made the most of our outside areas and chose to do our learning in the fresh air. Continuing with our growing topic, the children have enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of the sunflowers and we …

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A very busy week!

In Nursery we have had another very busy, very productive week! The children have made fantastic progress in their learning and we are excited to share it all with you. As part of our Summer Fun topic based on growing, the children have learned to recite and retell the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk. They  enjoyed …

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This week in Nursery…

It has been another wonderful week in Nursery!  The children have been working exceptionally hard and made fabulous progress in their learning. The children enjoyed our phonic sessions this week during which they had to find objects starting with the same sound.  Being able to identify sounds within a word is a huge step towards …

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