In Nursery we have had another very busy, very productive week! The children have made fantastic progress in their learning and we are excited to share it all with you.
As part of our Summer Fun topic based on growing, the children have learned to recite and retell the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk. They enjoyed learning the actions and sequence of the story and once they were confident to tell the story by themselves, they decided to change the story in order to make up their very own story. Using their prior learning about growing sunflowers in class, they are now the proud authors of “Louis’ Sunflower” after they changed the main character in the story to a sausage dog called Louis who tends to a seed he found. This collaborative project inspired the children to write their own individual versions of the story and we were all impressed with their creative ideas!
In maths the children further build on their learning from previous weeks to complete simple addition sentences. They enthusiastically made use of various opportunities to practice their new skills in class and they have shown the adults just how much progress they have made already!
Continuing on with our PSHE learning based on relationships and friendships this week, the children were challenged to create a nature portrait in the forest of someone that is special to them. They took great care to select the objects to use with the nature safe dough to create their representation of their loved ones.
How you can help at home:
Please find the links to a few interactive games the children have enjoyed playing in class this week to help them embed their new maths skills.
Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!
xxx The Nursery team