It has been another fabulous week in Nursery with a range of activities and lots of learning happening in and outside the classroom. The children enjoyed the sunny spells in the garden and made the most of the water puddles this week.

Carrying on with our growing topic, we have been looking at fiction and non-fiction books about different life cycles. The children were fascinated with the lifecycle of frogs and we decided to explore this in more detail. When learning about different types of frogs the children discovered the multiple sounds frogs and toads can make! Not to mention that some frogs use their unique colouring to warn off predators while others choose to use it as a way to camouflage themselves.

In maths the children have continued to grow in confidence when looking at adding and taking away single digit numbers from numbers up to 10. They were experimenting with writing their own number sentences using mathematical symbols.

This week during PE we particularly focused on throwing and catching skills. The children were able to take turns with a partner to throw and catch balloons. We chose to use balloons because they move slower than large balls and this gives the children more time to arrange their bodies into the correct position to catch confidently.

How you can help at home:
As we continue to learn how to distinguish between phonics sounds, why not have a sound hunt at home? Ask your child to find as many objects or toys that starts with a specific sound e.g S = sandal, slipper, scissors, spoon, stickers, sand, slime…
We hope you have an amazing weekend.
The Nursery team xx