This week in Reception

What busy little bees we have been in Reception this week! We started the week off by celebrating World Bee Day. We learned some interesting facts about bees – even some of the grown ups learned new things too! Then we set off to create some painted bees. We had to use our fine motor skills and patience to carefully create these bee-utiful slate bumblebees! We considered the colours and patterns that are found on many bees. Did you know – some bees can be red and black in colour?!

Some of us continued our learning about bees outside and made our very own hives that we decorated with honeycomb shapes – we learned that this shape is called a hexagon because it has six sides! We also wanted to take care of the bees in our environment and creatively used the ‘Bee Cafe’ to make some tea for the bees. We added grass and flowers to the teapot before mixing and pouring it out carefully which meant we were practising our fine motor skills even more!

During Literacy this week, we have had a lot of fun making our own books linked to the text we have been learning – Stuck in the Mud by Pie Corbett. We had so much fun when we made our Mr Gumpy books that we decided to use these skills to make improvements to our work this time round! What do you think of our writing? We tried really hard to form all of our letters correctly, use finger spaces and remember a full stop. Ask us to teach you the song we sing to help us check our work – it is very catchy!

In Maths this week, we have been doing a round up of all the learning we have done so far in Reception. We have done really well at remembering our learning from our two and a half terms in Reception and our grown ups are very proud of us. We have been continuing repeating patterns, finding missing numbers that have fallen off of a number track, discussing groups of objects that show ‘more’ or ‘fewer’ and even been making comparisons between objects that are taller, shorter or longer. We had a lot of fun hunting around the classroom for things that were taller than us and smaller than a glue stick – ask us what we found!

Phonics this week has been a recap of all of the sounds we have learned over the last term. We have been using this brilliant knowledge to help us with our independent writing. To help us get even better with our reading and writing, we have had an extra fun challenge this week – we have been hunting all around the classroom for harder to read and spell words. Some of us even wrote out some extra words for our friends to find! We enjoyed this so much that we asked the grown ups to make more for us too.

With the weather changing this week, we have been talking lots about staying safe in the sun and lots of us had a go at making our own sunglasses. We had to use very careful cutting skills to create the space for the lenses and then used coloured cellophane to make the lenses. We had a lot of fun making these and enjoyed trying them out around the classroom. Some of us also enjoyed a sorting activity and were able to discuss other ways to keep us safe in the sun. “Sun cream stops our skin from burning and you have to drink lots of water”

This week’s nursery rhyme has been Ten Fat Sausages


How you can help at home:

  • Practise the harder to read and spell words with your child – play as many games as possible as this is a really great way to help the learning stick
  • Look for ways to learn about measures and make comparisons with things around your home – who has the most chips left on their plate? How much more milk do we need for our porridge? I notice that the door is taller than us. Challenge your child to find something taller or shorter than a given object.
  • Talk about road safety and practise safely crossing the road when out and about
  • Discuss ways to stay safe in the sun