Author's posts
Jan 16
This week the children had an amazing time continuing learning about our class story: Zog! Not only have they learned the sequence of the story and used drama and actions to act out the story but this week they have also changed it as a class to where Zog is learning how to be a …
Jan 09
Welcome back!
Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring term of Reception! We hope you had a restful break and a happy Christmas for those who celebrated. It was lovely to see the children return to school with big smiles on Monday morning. The first morning back was very exciting! A mysterious creature had been …
Dec 12
Our Christmas Show
For the last few weeks the Reception children have been very busy rehearsing for their Christmas show. The children listened carefully to instructions when putting the show together and took these instructions on board excellently. This week they were able to perform their fabulous show to the rest of Merry Hill and their parents. The …
Dec 05
The travelling star ✨
This week the children have been enthusiastically practicing their Christmas production. The classroom has been filled with singing voices, children practicing their dance moves and rehearsing their lines! We have learned how to recite our nativity story during our morning Literacy sessions and added actions to help us remember the sequence of the story. We …
Nov 28
Maths and Reading
In Reception this week, we started the topic of patterns. Miss Reuben and Mrs Jones put a magic spell on the children and turned them into math pattern magicians. The children enjoyed learning about different patterns that we see in real life. Some examples were a zebra, leopard, tiger and also some spotty or stripy …
Nov 21
This week in Reception
We had another busy week, but not even the freezing weather could stop us from having a great time! On Monday, during Road Safety Week, we enjoyed our very first Reception trip! The children really impressed us by remembering SuperCat’s rap: Stop, Look, Listen and Think while crossing the road. We were able to safely …
Nov 14
Remembrance Day
This week in Reception, we learnt about Remembrance Day. On Monday morning, the children attended an assembly with Mrs Ineson, where they learned about Remembrance Day. The children learned about why we remember, why we wear poppies, who we remember, and the different ways we honour those who served. We were also fortunate to have two special …
Nov 07
The first week back!
It has been wonderful to see all the children happily return to school and eagerly share their news of the half term break. We also wanted to say a big thank you to you all, as many of the children have been enthusiastically telling us about practicing their reading at home. This term started with …
Oct 24
Elmer Week
This week in Reception Elmer has inspired our learning! The children have enjoyed getting to know the story of Elmer and understanding that he is different and that is okay. There have been a range of Elmer activities for the children to engage in, like painting Elmer in the style of Piet Mondrian and creating …
Oct 17
This week in Reception…
In Reception we have had another jam packed and exciting week. Not only did we carry on with our phonics, our maths and literacy but we also had a great time learning about Piet Mondrian. The children are all making great progress with their phonics and it is evident in the way they are starting …