This week in Reception


This week Zebras and Elephants have been inventing their own stories based on ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Burningham. We have learned how to design a front cover that is colourful and attractive to readers. We also know that an author is a person that “writes the book” and the illustrator is a person that “draws the pictures”.  We have been developing our learning further during child initiated learning time and have done some independent writing all about Mr Gumpy  in the small world area.  Look at our fantastic tripod grip and FINGERSPACES! Some of us also enjoyed working as a team!


This week our learning in maths has been all about exploring and finding different ways to show number bonds for numbers within 10. We have been singing ‘5 Little kittens jumping on the bed’ as part of our learning. Ask your child to demonstrate how singing songs can really help to embed their learning!

Fiddly fingers

More fun learning and collaboration linked to our literacy work!

Child initiated learning time

With the nicer weather approaching, we have had more fantastic learning opportunities outside. We have seen so much collaboration and independence this week from all of the children in Reception! We are excited to have the potions area back up and running so that we can make all our imaginative creations, whilst practising our fine motor skills using different tools.

Many of the children have been demonstrating their ability to follow our golden rules by looking after property and being helpful. They have been busy spring cleaning our outside garden area, using paintbrushes to ‘wash’ the windows and dirty equipment. They were busy for a long time doing this, working so hard together to make our environment look tidy again!

Following on from our learning about St George’s Day last week, some children have been using their creativity to design and make a family crest or shield. We talked lots about what and how we wanted to represent our family, thinking carefully about the colours and material choices we made. A few children even took on the challenge of making a handle to hold their shield – they showed great determination when exploring which materials worked best!


This has been another week to review all the learning we have done so far this year. We are practising the phonemes we have learned by applying them independently to our reading and writing. We are having a big focus on keeping our letters on the line, using finger spaces and trying hard to keep our writing a similar size. Look out for some fantastic examples of this over the next few weeks!

How you can help at home:

  • Reading and playing games with your child
  • Practical everyday maths – shopping, cooking etc
  • Helping to prepare your child for transition and encourage more independence by getting changed by themselves, cutting up their own food, looking after their belongings
  • Ensure you regularly go through the harder to read and spell words