Author's posts
Jul 17
This Week in Reception
Monday 1st July was Canada Day. We were very lucky to have a special visitor in Reception who is from Canada and who shared a story that included Canadian facts. We also learned that a Beaver and a Racoon are animals from Canada. We also wished Miss Adams a very Happy Canada Day as well. …
Jun 27
This week in Reception…
Mindfulness Monday This week in our Mindfulness Monday session we used the boat designs the children created last week and they referred back to them to make a boat independently. The children found the materials needed from the creative cupboard and the junk modelling station. They knew what to collect because they had already labelled …
Jun 21
Sports Day!
On Friday we were very excited as Reception’s first Sports Day had arrived! We had all been practicing hard and were now ready for the event, The Merry Hill Olympics! We came into school wearing our PE kit and trainers for a fun filled morning. First we got into our teams and headed up to …
Jun 13
This week in Reception and our Trip to Tring Museum
Literacy We have been continuing our learning on pirates by learning about time connectives. Here are the actions we use when we retell a story using time words. We followed written instructions to make a pirate hat and a treasure map. We connected jumbled up time words to the written time connectives to help us …
Jun 04
This week in Reception
Welcome back everyone after a wonderful May half term! We started the week settling in doing a lovely Draw with Rob step-by-step video on the carpet. The ship was a little clue for what we are going to be doing in our Summer Fun topic: pirates!! We have been looking at the Cutty Sark and …
May 23
This week in Reception
What busy little bees we have been in Reception this week! We started the week off by celebrating World Bee Day. We learned some interesting facts about bees – even some of the grown ups learned new things too! Then we set off to create some painted bees. We had to use our fine motor …
May 16
This Week in Reception
Fiddly Fingers In Fiddly Fingers we “offer children activities to develop and further refine their small motor skills” (Development Matters, 2023) such as “threading and sewing, playing with small world toys, and making models with junk materials, construction kits and malleable materials like clay.” We have also practised number formation and drawing following steps in the …
May 09
This week in Reception
Literacy This week we have started to learn a new story called ‘Stuck in the Mud’, where poor Daisy the cow is stuck and Farmer Tom is asking the other farm animals for help to pull her out! This is not from a book but a Talk for Writing original, written by …
May 02
This week in Reception
Literacy This week Zebras and Elephants have been inventing their own stories based on ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Burningham. We have learned how to design a front cover that is colourful and attractive to readers. We also know that an author is a person that “writes the book” and the illustrator is a person …
Apr 25
This week in Reception
SUMMER FUN Here is our Curiosity Cuboid: We are thinking about pollution in the sea and the effect of it on sea animals. The children have been looking at the cuboid and comparing the items inside considering which things should be in the sea and which should not. Literacy In Literacy we have continued to …