Fiddly Fingers
In Fiddly Fingers we “offer children activities to develop and further refine their small motor skills” (Development Matters, 2023) such as “threading and sewing, playing with small world toys, and making models with junk materials, construction kits and malleable materials like clay.” We have also practised number formation and drawing following steps in the correct number order.
This week the children are innovating our Stuck in the Mud story from last week. Some of the ideas we came up with were ‘Stuck in the Ice’, ‘Stuck in the Puddle’, ‘Stuck in the Quicksand’, ‘Stuck in the Soil’. In Elephants, we voted altogether and ‘Stuck in the Snow’ was the winner! We then changed the animals in the story to animals which “make sense for the cold” such as arctic foxes and reindeer. We drew the speech bubbles and new characters on our whiteboards. We have been writing our harder to read and spell words on paper and playing games in Explore time.
We are working on applying our known sounds to our writing this week. We are writing words and sentences more and more independently. We can discuss capital letters, finger spaces and full stops as we begin to get ready for Year 1. We are starting to apply them in our Explore time when creating and book-making.
We have been focusing on our Number bonds to 10 and using a number track. We have been following the Golden Rules and working collaboratively in partners and teams to use our number tracks. We are rolling dice and jumping ahead correctly. We can show this using two different coloured pencils on a tens frame.
Road Safety Week
This week we met a very special Super Cat friend with amazing senses of sight and hearing. He taught us to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN AND THINK when we cross the road. We have been using this learning outside in our Explore time. We drew Zebra crossings, pelican crossings and traffic lights and discussed the importance of waiting for the green man to cross safely. We are being active in the sun and “Encouraging children to be highly active and get out of breath several times every day.” (Development Matters, 2023), especially by using a variety of bikes and trikes. They allow “children to balance, sit or ride on, or pull and push. Two-wheeled balance bikes and pedal bikes without stabilisers, skateboards, wheelbarrows, prams and carts are all good options.” (Development Matters, 2023)
Nursery Rhyme of the week:
10 Green Bottles
How you can help at home (when you try these challenges or do an activity you’d like to share, please add a photo to tapestry so we can celebrate the learning taking place at home):
Use chalk outside and draw a number track on the ground from 0-20. Extend by counting verbally 0-30. This will expose children to ‘teen’ numbers 10-20. Keep looking at numbers 0-20 so children “become familiar with two-digit numbers and can start to spot patterns within them.” (Development Matters) Play hop scotch with numbers 0-20- how big can you make your hop scotch? Use the pavement outside!
Play hide and seek and count to 20/ 30 while waiting for the other person to hide. Start with 20 then extend to 30 if successful.
Ask your child to write a sentence of 5 words and send the message to someone else in your family. Encourage them to use finger spaces in between each word so it can be read, both by your child and by others. Once they have done this they might like to send a message in a bottle.