Another week in Nursery

How is it the end of the week yet again? I guess time really does fly when you are having fun!

The children had another great week in Nursery and has settled incredibly well.  As a team we are astonished at how well everyone is doing, taking part in the routines and enjoying being part of the class.  In these early days it is normal for the children to have a few tears in the mornings, but be assured that they are happily playing and enjoying the activities set out for them long before you have left the school gates!

Children have been forming new friendships in class and we have seen some great teamwork and sharing taking place.  We will continue to ensure children are building on their social and emotional development.

This week in Maths we have learned about repeating patterns and making up our own patterns using body percussion, movements, colours and shapes!

During our snack time we have read the story “Please Mr Panda” and we discussed how to use our best manners when asking for or declining fruit, just like the story!

Watch it here with your children –

How you can help at home:

Let your child use objects you have to hand at home to create repeating patterns. Don’t forget to take photos and upload them to Tapestry!