British Values

This week in Year 2 we have been discussing that we should celebrate our own successes, whilst showing respect for others and what their achievements may be even if they are different to our own.

In Jigsaw, we spoke about when we have achieved something and received a certificate. We were invited in the circle with Jigsaw Joe to share the achievement we had and what it made us feel. For example, one of us shared “I got a Star of the Week for my English writing.” We were then asked how this made us feel and a lot of the responses were “proud” and “excited”. It was an opportunity for us to acknowledge when a friend in our class has achieved something and to recognise that we have all celebrated something different because we are all different.

Then we had the opportunity to  write our own certificates for someone special in the class. This allowed the children to celebrate each other’s successes. Take a look at some of our certificates below: