English in Year One

Happy New Year! We have come back from the Christmas holidays ready to learn and have been listening to and reading a range of stories which provoke different responses. Our new key text/class story is ‘I Can Be Anything’ by Diane Dillon.

In the story, a little girl dreams about what she wants to be when she grows up. She hears a voice of self-doubt speaking to her, saying she won’t be able to meet her goals. She overcomes this and stays confident.

After reading this, Lions and Panthers have written what they want to be when they grow up!

Our grammar focus this week has been:

  • How words can combine to make sentences.
  • Joining words and joining clauses using ‘and’ and ‘because’.
  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives.
  • Using capital letters for names.
  • Separating words with spaces.
  • Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.
  • Capital letters for names and for the personal pronoun I.


How to help at home:

  • Encourage your child with their weekly handwriting formation homework. The more the children practice handwriting, the faster they will get at writing which will help with their flow. Ensuring the formation is correct to stop bad habits forming.
  • Read a range of stories at home and upload your child reading their favourite story aloud on ‘Seesaw’. We can then play these to the class for our story at the end of the day! 🙂
  • Perhaps sign up to school to be a ‘Secret Reader’ and read a story to your child’s class!