Category: year1

The Three Little Pigs

This half term in English we have been learning about traditional tales. We drew a story map and added actions to help us learn the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We tried really hard to use good expression in our voices at the right times. We learnt and practised writing plural words. We found …

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Healthy Treats: Fruit Kebabs!

In Design and Technology we have been learning the skills of cutting and peeling. First we practised on playdough, learning how to handle the knife. We carefully used the knife to chop the playdough into smaller pieces and also how to slice safely. After this, we learnt how to use a knife safely when cutting …

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Telling the Time

This week in Year 1 we have been learning to tell the time. We began by securing our knowledge of some of the vocabulary related to time, including before, after, past, earlier and later. We also learnt the difference between seconds, minutes and hours. We were interested to find out that there are 60 seconds …

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Year 1 Sports Day

This year’s Sports Day was a great success! Thank you to the Year 6 children from Ashfield School who came to support and help assist with the activities. First we had an opening ceremony waving our team flags and walking down the centre of the activities. Some of our younger brothers and sisters at Merry …

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Melting and Freezing

In Year 1 this week we explored melting and freezing. First we discussed what these words mean to us. The children came up with ideas of where they have seen melting water and solid ice. Year 1 came up with ideas such as lakes, ice creams and ice lollies. This week we completed an observing …

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Our Trip to the Synagogue

In RE we have been learning about special books. We started the topic by thinking about books that are special to us. Now we are learning about books that are special to some religions. We are learning about the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an. On Tuesday we visited Bushey United Synagogue. We learnt that …

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Reveley Lodge

This week in Year 1 we visited Reveley Lodge which is a Victorian home. We were very excited to find out more about the Victorian era. When we arrived we travelled back in time to live like Victorian children. As a part of our English and History topics, we learnt all about the lives of …

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The United Kingdom

In Geography this half term we have been learning about The United Kingdom. We started the topic by learning which 4 countries are in the UK and where they are located on a map. We also looked at the seas surrounding the UK. We challenged ourselves to correctly label a blank map of the UK …

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Plants in our local area

In science this week we looked at the plants in our local area. We identified some common wildflowers such as dandelions, daisies and clovers. We also identified some garden plants such as bluebells and daffodils. We then explored 4 different areas of our school grounds to try and find out where we can find the …

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Jack and the Beanstalk

This half term in English and Science our learning has been linked to the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk. We learnt to tell the story using a story map and actions. We practiced and practiced until we could do it without any help from our teachers! We noticed that the story contained sentences that …

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