First week in Year 2

We have really enjoyed meeting and getting to know all the new Bears and Giraffes this week. It has been lovely to see how everyone has grown over the summer! We definitely look ready for Year 2 now.

We have been learning about:


We have started the year with some handwriting practise to get us all back into the swing of things. We had reminders of our tall and lazy letters as we practised the upcoming homework of joining diagonally the ‘ai’ diagraph.

The Golden Rules

Even though we know the rules well already, we have had a great refresh on all six of our rules at Merry Hill: Do listen, Do work hard, Do be kind and helpful, Do be gentle, Do look after property, and Do be honest.

In these pictures we were following the ‘Do listen’ Golden Rule. First, we had to show great listening to a new mini teacher, and then we had to follow our partners instructions with our eyes closed!

In these pictures we were focussing on the ‘Do work hard’ rule, and were challenged with different activities to finish in 10 minutes before moving onto the next!

The Zones of Regulation

We have been identifying different emotions we could be feeling, and thinking about what our triggers are. We then thought hard about what tools we could use to help us get back to the green zone if needed.


This week we have had fun doing some maths games to get our brains back in a number groove! We have been practising counting forwards and backwards from different numbers.

Altogether we have had a fantastic first week and even with this heat, have shown a great attitude to our learning. We have loved getting to know our new class and teachers. Bring on week two!