This week has been our very first week in Reception.
We have come into school so confidently and surprised our teachers by how grown up we have been.
We have learned the names of our teachers and made lots of new friends.
We have changed from our shoes, into our wellies when we have played in the sand.
We have learned how to use the equipment in the Writing Area.
We have made mud pies in the Mud Kitchen.
We have practised sharing and taking turns when building models. We even pretended we were at home in the Home Corner and made dinner for our friends.
This week we have started to talk about The Golden Rules:
We do look after property,
We are kind and helpful.
The teachers have been watching to see who is remembering the rules and putting things away carefully with their friends.
Time Travellers
This term we are following the topic of Time Travellers.
Why “Time Travellers?”
Past to present: We are thinking about changes over time. Children are new to the class and may be new to the school. How is it different in Reception? We are also observing seasonal change over time.
Telling the time: We are learning new routines and the timetable for the day. What happens in the morning, afternoon, on a Wednesday?
Future: We are involving children in their learning. What will we be finding about next week, next term, next year? What do you want to be when you grow up
Here is our Topic Map demonstrating topic links in each subject area:
How you can help at home:
Please check everything is named and that your child can find their name on their belongings.
Sing along with the nursery rhyme of the week, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star:
Well done Reception. You have had a super first week.