This week in Jigsaw Year 2 have been learning to identify some of the things that can cause conflict in their relationships and how to use positive problem-solving techniques to resolve these conflicts.
We began this lesson with a game called Switch, which we all found particularly fun! We sat in a circle and had to switch places if they, e.g. are wearing glasses, like football, like sausages, have a younger brother, etc. The goal was for us all to see that we are all different and that it is okay to like or dislike something that our friend might like or not like.
Then, we were introduced to the Mending Chart which has become a tool to help us understand the positive ways to mend a conflict between friendships. We came together in groups and thought about the ‘red’ traffic light; of experiences we have had between friends that have caused a conflict and things we might say when these happen. Then, we discussed the ‘get ready’ amber light that focused on listening to each other’s points of view and noted ideas of what to say. Lastly, we were able to ‘mend the friendship’ and wrote things we would say to help move forward together.
We had a lot to share and say and together we thought of some techniques that will help us in the future.