In Reception this week, we started the topic of patterns. Miss Reuben and Mrs Jones put a magic spell on the children and turned them into math pattern magicians. The children enjoyed learning about different patterns that we see in real life. Some examples were a zebra, leopard, tiger and also some spotty or stripy clothing. They also enjoyed finding patterns hidden within our classroom environment. When having the chance to help their teachers build a repeating pattern, they were great at spotting mistakes that arose when building the pattern. During child initiated learning the children started by finishing off a repeating pattern and then as they built confidence, they made their own repeating patterns. They really are fantastic pattern magicians!

We have also been working hard on our reading. As we progress through phonics, the introduction of alien words has begun. Alien words are made up words – also known as pseudo words – that the children read by using their phonic knowledge to decode. In our lessons, the children read the word and if it is an alien word, they use their hands as alien ears. This week we had a treasure game during child initiated learning. They had to read the word and if it was real, it goes in the treasure box and if it is an alien word, it goes away with the aliens. They enjoyed sorting the reading treasure!