This week has definitely been our best one yet! The children are now very familiar with the classroom routines and are thoroughly enjoying exploring the different areas both inside and outside. They have had time to build up new relationships with us and their peers and have formed some fabulous friendships.
During maths we have been learning how to recognise numbers and count reliably up to 10. Our next challenge is to ensure that we count objects accurately and to remember the last number we say represents the amount we are counting.
We have tried very hard to represent numbers to 10 in different ways and had fun trying to find numbers in our environment.
For National Inclusion Week, we have learned how to sing and sign a song in class. We talked about how important it is to make sure all our friends feel valued and included and how we can “listen with our eyes”. We practiced how to sing ” I can sing a rainbow” and how to sign the different colours in the song. Can you recognise the signs in the photos?
- Yellow
- Purple
- Orange
- Pink
- Green
- Blue
Here is a link to the song if you would like to sing it with your child at home:
How you can help at home:
Play a number game with your child. Can they spot numbers on their travels like the registration numbers on cars, house numbers on doors, numbers on the TV remote control? Can they do 5 jumps, stomp their feet 2 times, find 3 Lego bricks?
Have a fantastic weekend.
The Nursery team xx