Religious Symbols

This week in Religious Education we learnt about Jewish symbols. We learnt about the Menorah and the Hamsa hand.

We discovered that:

  • The oldest symbol in Judaism is the Menorah. It is a seven branched candelabrum.
  • The number of branches represents the seven days of the week.
  • It represents the burning bush Moses saw on Mount Sinai.
  • Some Jewish people wear a kind of good luck charm called a Hamsa.
  • It is shaped like a hand and usually has a picture of an eye in its middle.
  • It is worn to remind Jewish people of God’s protective hand and his watchful eye over them.

We decorated our very own Hamsa hands and made Menorahs from Lego. Look at how creative we are!

How you can help at home:

  • Compare Jewish symbols to Christian symbols
  • Research Islamic symbols – we will be learning these next half term
  • Design your own special symbol that represents you, thinking of what makes you unique.