Nursery achievements!

This half term we have spent lots of time settling in and learning how to make new friends. We have talked about what makes a good friend – being kind, using manners and helping each other. This links in well with the Golden Rules that we all strive to follow at school. Nursery are beginning to remember some of these now and it is lovely to see them trying their best to abide by these rules.


We have been learning all about how to handle books carefully, turning the pages one at a time and following the words as we listen. We have tried hard to join in with repetitive language and even added in some actions to help us!


This half term we have been learning to recognise, count and write the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have been collecting different sets of objects as well as discussing the colours of these objects. We tried sorting by size and colour. We discussed that maths is all around us and have been noticing shapes, colours and numbers outside in the playground and forest!

Look at all the amazing things we have achieved in Nursery so far!

We hope you have a lovely half term, filled with lots of fun!

How you can help at home:

  • Talk to your child about the Golden Rules
  • Practise getting dressed and undressed independently
  • Visit the local library
  • Read every day with your child
  • Talk about the signs of autumn you see
  • Spend some time outside or doing exercise
  • Encourage your child to try new foods and talk about what they like or don’t like, including whole fruits that they learn to peel for themselves (bananas, oranges etc)
  • Share your adventures on Tapestry!
  • Play some board games or puzzles – talk about counting, taking turns and even losing!