Second to last week…

This week in Nursery we have continued to work on our Talk for Writing story, Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson.  The children are able to sequence the story and use ambitious vocabulary to discuss the story.

In maths we have completed more activities where we had to order numbers 0-10.

The children had a great time playing  Whack-a-Mole  where they had to find the next number on the interactive whiteboard.  This really helped them to embed what the teen numbers look like.  The children are becoming much more confident with identifying numbers and they are challenging themselves to see who can count the furthest…  Today we practiced counting in 10’s all the way up to 100! 

As part of our personal and emotional development we have been thinking about our transition into Reception as some friends will move to other schools or some friends will stay in Nursery.  During our sessions we have been looking after seedlings, having planted the seeds and watching them grow over time.

The children enjoyed looking at the seedlings growing roots and leaves.  We discussed that when they started Nursery it was as if they were little seeds being planted.  All the learning we have done, watered and fed them enough that they have now grown so big that they need to be re-potted into Reception and their new classes.   This has been very beneficial for children to link their transition with what they have been learning about.

How you can help at home:

Let the children draw a picture of all the things they are looking forward to in Reception and bring it to Nursery for us to share as a class.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

The Nursery Team x