This week in Nursery

We have all been very pleased to see the children coming into school so readily after a fantastic half term break.  The children have enjoyed being back and settled into their usual routines seamlessly!

In our Jigsaw lesson (PSHE) we were discussing what makes us special.  The children loved sharing their ideas in the group and they patiently waited their turn to talk about the things they like the most.  The children were able to identify some features that they had in common with their friends and some things that are different.  It is heartwarming to hear them talk about playing together and sharing their favourite toys but also being able to respectfully disagree on what their favourite fruits are!

As part of our learning journey this term, we are looking at the children’s past, present and future.  The children had a fantastic time learning about different occupations and thinking about their future careers.  They even got the opportunity to try out a few different jobs as you can see below. There was fantastic dialogue between the children while acting out the different scenarios.

We have had more opportunities to practice getting changed for PE and we also  practiced putting on our mud suits before venturing into the very soggy forest to explore. These sessions give us the chance to develop our independence and feel successful in achieving our goals.
How you can help at home: 
Allow your child to get dressed by themselves – practice makes perfect!  Do reassure them, but let them try to do things for themselves before stepping in to help.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The nursery team xx