This week in Nursery

In Nursery this week, we have continued learning the Golden Rules. We are working hard to: Be honest, look after property, listen to people, work hard, be kind and helpful and be gentle. The grown ups have been awarding team points to children that are seen to be following these rules and being good role models to their friends. We collect our points over the week and then the winning team is announced!


This week, we have been working on the text Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? We had a go at creating our own story maps! Look at our amazing work! See if you can tell the story with us! Some of us even had a go at making our own stick puppets to tell the story. This was fun because we were also learning how to hold scissors and move the paper to get accurate cutting – it was quite tricky!


We are working on 1:1 correspondence. This means we are saying one number name for each object that we count. We are learning to use our finger to point to each item as we say its number name. We are working on numbers to 3.


This week we have been learning to follow instructions. We played a warm up game where we practised colour recognition. We then worked in partners to practise throwing and catching a ball. It was quite tricky, but we tried to put our hands out to catch the ball and bring them towards our chest so that we didn’t drop it! We will keep practising!

How you can help at home:

  • Talk about colours and shapes in the environment. Do you notice any patterns? Are the colours in nature changing at the moment – why?
  • Practise 1:1 correspondence when counting in daily routines
  • Ask your child to retell the story of Brown Bear – maybe use your puppet or even make your own!
  • Practise throwing and catching a ball at home or at the park