This week in Nursery…

What a busy week of learning we have had!  We started off the week scavenging in the forest for just the right stick  and leaf to turn into a candle.


Number 9 was our number of the week and we used nearly all our fingers to make 9.  We also learned that number 9 had a big, round head and a straight back.  We used our magic finger to  write number 9 in the air, on our hands, on our toes and on the back of our arms.

One of our favourite things we did this week was learning how to play the Dreidel game and collecting gold coins!  We got very good at spinning the Dreidel, which was quite tricky to begin with but we didn’t give up!  We turned our forest candles into Menorahs and listened to the Maccabeats.

Until next time, do good looking for adventures, clean your ears out for good listening and turn your noggins (brains) on for good learning.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Howe, Mrs Ogilvie-Jones, Mrs Mitzman,  Mrs Hill and Mrs Bence