This week in Reception

We have had  a very busy start to the Summer Term. We have been enjoying the sunshine this week and making the most of going outside during our Child Initiated Learning.

In our Forest lessons this week we celebrated Earth Day by talking about the process of foods coming from farms to forks.

Earth Day 2021 - 'Restore Our Earth' - Earth Science Partnership

We also found out about the Patron Saint of England, St George. We learned the legend of St George slaying a dragon and re-enacted the story using masks and props.

Here are some of our dragon pictures:

In Understanding the World we learned facts about Nocturnal animals and have begun to think about the importance of sleep for humans. Have a look at the Powerpoint we have been using in our lessons.

Nocturnal-wildlife.pptx (392 downloads )


We have learned a new story by Pie Corbett called “Stuck in the Mud.” The children have brought home their picture sequencing.

How you can help at home:

Please ask your child to retell the story using the picture as a prompt.  Does it remind them of any other stories?

Maths/ Nursery Rhyme of the week.

We have learned “This Old Man..” and this links to our maths learning this week where we are practising counting to 20.