This week in Reception


We have loved learning ‘How to be a pirate’ in Literacy. We can now recite the instructions with the actions and it is such fun. Our ‘Pirate speak’ has definitely improved over the last week or so “Ahaa me hearties!”. We have been making and labelling pirate maps as well as creating our own pirate hats (which we have loved wearing at every opportunity!). This week we also wrote a sentence about what a pirate needs. We had to remember a capital letter at the start of our sentence, to space words carefully and to put a full stop at the end. The teachers were really pleased with the children’s ideas ranging from ‘a pretty polly parrot’, to ‘a wooden leg’, to ‘a shiny hook’! This sentence work was great to see and everyone worked really hard!


We have been revising our number bonds of 5, remembering that ‘5’ is an ‘anchor’ number in our counting system. The children have then been investigating different ways to make 10; ‘Numicon sandwiches- working out which two numbers fit on a 10 piece’, using sticks of 10 multilink to work out ‘missing number’ sums, making 10 on a double dice frame with two different coloured counters etc…

During Explore time one of our exciting activities was going on a ‘transition walk’, where we took a clipboard and a list of places the children could re-visit, ie their new classroom in KS1, the new bathrooms, coatpegs, walking to the dining room from their new classroom, the hall and the playground. It was quite an adventure and continued to build the excitement for all that is ahead for them in Year 1 in September!


In explore time outside the children have really enjoyed all the pirate themed activities on offer including; walking the plank, digging for pirate coins, racing pirate ships and building boats with the community blocks.

The children have also noticed the change in the sunflowers! They have grown really tall and burst into flower. Our children have diligently watered them, particularly during the hot weather. These changes have promoted lots of discussion over the last few months!



This week has been a time to review the new sounds learnt along with the harder to read and spell words. We would encourage you to continue to practise these over the summer holidays. 

Nursery rhyme

The children have really enjoyed learning ‘Bonny Bobby Shafto!’ this week. Here is the link so you can sing it at home! 

Lastly, thank you to all who came to our open afternoon, the children were very proud to show their classroom and all their hard work. Well done Reception!