This week in Reception…..

We have had a very busy first full week in reception! We made lots of new friends and settled into our new classes. It has been a week of lots of ‘firsts’…..

We had our first library visit where we all chose a book to bring home and are looking forward to sharing them with you. We learned how to look after the books and how to put them away carefully, as well as enjoying some time to sit and read with our friends.

Lunchtimes have been very successful – we have enjoyed tasting lots of new foods in the dining hall. Our grown ups have played lots of fun games with us and helped us make new friends. We have also loved exploring and climbing on the play equipment, as well as making up our own imaginative games!


Mrs Mitzman and Mrs Rogerson have taken us to visit the forest this week for our first Mini Explorers session and we LOVED it! Look at all our smiling faces in these photos! We read two books this week called Stanley’s Stick and Stick and Stone. Later we explored and made our own numbers using natural materials.

In Literacy, we have been learning to tell the story of The Little Red Hen. We have all done a great job at joining in with the repeated refrains in the story.  We use actions to help us remember the key events in stories as we learn them – ask us what actions we have been using to help us this week!

How you can help at home:

We have been learning Incy Wincy Spider and have been practising the actions as we sing along. Click on the link so you can sing this with your child at home.

In our first phonics sessions this week we have learnt these sounds:

We have practised saying the sounds, as well as having a go at writing them too! Try them at home.

Ask your child to retell The Little Red Hen in their own words. Can you learn the actions too? Maybe you could have a go at making your own bread!

Well done on a wonderful first full week, Reception! You are all brilliant Elephants and Zebras! We hope you all have a restful weekend ready for another busy week of learning from Monday.