This week in Reception…

We have had an out-of-this-world week in Reception! In Literacy we continued learning a story called “Whatever Next”. We have been talking on the carpet to talk partners and learning to “listen to each other as well as the staff” and “express their feelings and consider the feelings of others.” Development Matters 2023 

We have collaborated to make a class story map, come up with actions and add post-it notes to label the feelings of the characters. The children have been encouraged to use full sentences to explain why, e.g. Baby bear was excited because he had a picnic on the moon with Owl.  The children have worked so hard to use robot arms and blending hands to write captions and spell words too. Here are some examples of our captions:


Some of the ways we nurture a love of reading in Reception are by doing daily storytimes, guided reading sessions, sharing high quality texts and having access to books in all areas where the children explore. When we are visiting the Merry Hill library we have been discussing the importance of handling books gently, and putting them back the right way up, so that the next person who comes along can see the labels and enjoy the book, too.

Please remember to complete daily reading with your child at home and do write a brief comment in their orange reading record to keep in touch and let us know how they are getting on! Here is an example of a reading record with ideas of what sort of comments you could write about your child and some photos of the different types of books they will receive. They should have a library book (a free, independent choice), a colour banded book (colour label seen on spine) and a decodable phonics book (a white label on top right corner specifies your child’s known sounds).


We have been busy learning even more phonemes in Phonics! Our focus has been ‘sh’, ‘th’, ‘ng’ and ‘nk’

Please practise recognising and writing these sounds with your child at home.

Our nursery rhyme for this week has been Row Row Row your Boat

If you would like to sing this at home and add an extension, you can add extra verses of own e.g. changing the animal in the song: ‘row your boat gently to the shore, if you see a lion there don’t forget to roar’ or ‘row your boat gently down the river, if you see a polar bear don’t forget to shiver’

How you can help at home:

  • Discuss shapes in the environment- 2D shapes and 3D.
  • Use one handed equipment such as scissors, pipettes and potato mashers.
  • Continue daily name writing

Well done on another fabulous week of learning Reception!