This week in Reception…..

Wow! What another busy week we have had! We have continued our learning about Handa’s Surprise but this week we have innovated our own ideas. We began by changing the main character and fruits in the story. What do you think of our ideas? We tried really hard to use our phonics independently to write the names of the fruit and some of us even had a go at writing describing words too!

We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to our amazing Friends of Merry Hill for organising a fantastic Easter egg hunt for us. We had great fun taking part in it and loved our delicious treats too! THANK YOU!

During explore time, we had a lot of fun practising our fine motor skills by making Easter baskets. We had to work really carefully to cut around the net template and then glue it together before filling it up to gift to our family.

Our outside role play is currently set up as a garden centre and we are enjoying selling flowers to the adults. This links well to our inside investigation area where we have planted a variety of seeds and are watching them grow and develop into little seedlings before hopefully some delicious herbs!

We are also practising our fine motor skills as we wrap the flowers and carefully tape them closed, as well as learning about money. We have been sharing out the money with our friends and some of the children have even been able to work out the change for the customer!

Song spoons and nursery rhyme of the week:

The song spoons have proved popular this week – we have enjoyed using them to sing some of our favourite rhymes with our friends and have even been putting on shows! The nursery rhyme for this week is One, Two, Buckle my Shoe. We have practised singing the words and also listened carefully to notice the rhyming words. Maybe you could have a go at thinking of your own rhyming words at home.

This week we have been revisiting all of the sounds we have learned so far this term and our grown ups are very impressed by how many we have remembered, as well as us using them independently when trying to read unfamiliar words or even in our writing!

The harder to read and spell words we have learned this week are: children, love


How you can help at home:

  • Practise the harder to read and spell words daily
  • Read every day with your child – maybe visit the library for some new books
  • Complete a ‘Wow’ card for your child to share with their friends at school
  • Encourage your child to write in a variety of contexts – shopping lists, packing lists for going on holiday, birthday cards, book making, postcards, book marks for friends and family