This week has been filled with more awe and adventure as we went actively looking for monsters!
Following on from our our work last week where we learned how to retell the story of “We’re going on a bear hunt” we then looked at traditional tales with alternative endings. We decided to write our own version of the story and the children had fabulous ideas of what we can go looking for and what obstacles we would come across.
After tip toeing through the corridor so as not to disturb Reception’s learning, we had to stomp through the echoing dining hall and through the courtyard, plop plopping just like the frogs in the pond before we finally arrived at the empty dark library… there we saw 1 big eye, 2 green horns and lots of sharp teeth…We finally found our monster! We quickly had to retrace our steps to get to the safety of the classroom and we decided to NEVER go on a monster hunt again.

In maths we have learned all about number 5. We are able to identify it in the class and we practiced how to count accurately to 5, making sure we touch a counter for every number name we say. Then we tried our best to write the number 5 by ourselves.

How you can help at home:
Help your child to write their numbers in a variety of ways. It could be with a stick in sand, placing conifers in the shape of the numbers, painting them on large sheets of old newspaper or any other way you prefer.
We hope you all have a fantastic, restful weekend.
Best wishes,
The Nursery team xx