Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring term of Reception! We hope you had a restful break and a happy Christmas for those who celebrated. It was lovely to see the children return to school with big smiles on Monday morning.
The first morning back was very exciting! A mysterious creature had been wandering around the classroom and left behind footprints and eggs! All the children were curious and wanted to know what had happened. It was an interesting introduction to our new Literacy and Understanding the World topic – dragons, castles and kingdoms. We talked about what could be inside the egg before showing the children.
This week we also saw some snow, which the children were very eager to go outside and play in. They enjoyed investigating the ice and discovering who could find the biggest piece of solid ice. We also made dragon footprints in the snow outside our new castle role play area. The children had such a fun time exploring in the snow!
How you can help at home:
- Talk to your child about dragons, castles and kingdoms.
- Ask your child to tell you about our class story – Zog.
- Talk about the weather with your child. What is changing? What season is it?