Over the last few weeks in Science we have been identifying, grouping and comparing animal groups. So far, we have learnt about mammals, birds, fish and amphibians. In week 1 we learnt that mammals are animals which have hair or fur.
- A drawing of a mammal
- Identifying mammals
In week 2 we learnt about the difference between birds and mammals. We learnt that birds have feathers and beaks.
- Comparing mammals and birds
In week 3 we learnt about fish. We know that fish breathe under water with gills. We put animals into groups of mammals, birds and fish.
- Next step: comparing birds and fish
- Grouping animals
This week we have discovered different facts about amphibians. We researched facts using booklets and answered questions in our books.
- Answering questions about amphibians
How you can help at home:
- Create a fact file about your pet or favourite animal.
- Can you go on an animal hunt and find different mammals and birds at the local park?