The week in Nursery has been cold, but very productive!

The children have had a great time exploring the different learning inside and out and completed their challenges to a very high standard!
During our PSHE sessions, we have been focusing on the new challenges for this year and we had a whole class discussion about what they find tricky and what they would like to achieve during 2024. Challenges ranged from being able to do the zips on their coats, riding a bike without stabilisers to being able to write their names by themselves. The children all agreed that in order to be able to complete their challenges, they will need to try, try and try again! We assured them that with a lot of practice, patience and determination they will definitely achieve what they set out to do. Please support your child/children at home to become more independent- it will require lots of patience from everyone involved! As adults we are busy and often help our children to speed up the process, however, enabling the children to learn and develop these independent skills will support them in all areas of life as well as give them a sense of pride once they master a new skill.
For our Dig a Little Deeper topic, we have thought about what we might find at the bottom of a hole. This has led to some very interesting discussions and in the coming weeks we will be looking at a range of things we will find while digging deeper… Watch this space! This week though we have worked very hard to create a mud picture to display our learning on and everyone had a great time experimenting with the natural paintbrushes and mud paint.

Our artist this term is Andy Goldsworthy and the children loved looking at his landscape art, exploring the materials and colours he has used. The children thoroughly enjoyed making their own pictures that we will be displaying in class soon. As it has been incredibly cold we even made frozen landscape art by simply leaving our work outside!

How you can help at home:
Now that we are confident in recognising rhyming words, we are focusing on identifying the first sound in a word and trying to find as many other words as we can with the same initial sound. Making up silly sentences are always a good way to get this game going e.g Logan likes licking lavender lollies.