This week in English we have been learning about calligrams.
Calligrams are poems which create a shape. The shape of a calligram represents the topic of the poem. Calligrams are also known as shape poems or concrete poems.
Here are some of the example calligrams we have been looking at:
At the beginning of the week we worked hard to create our own calligram words. Can you work out why we chose to write them as we did?
We looked at the example calligrams and decided what it was about them that made them interesting to read. We noticed that expanded noun phrases, similies and alliteration had all been used.
Now we are working together within our classes to make up shape poems. Bears have chosen to write their poem about a hedgehog and Giraffes a squirrel. We have started to think about some adjectives that could be used to describe our animals. Next week we will be learning more about expanded noun phrases, similies and alliteration so that we can include them in our poems.
How to support at home
- Practise using similies to describe different things that happen or objects. E.g. Mummy is moving quickly like a jaguar.
- Use your names to play around with alliteration e.g. jumping James
- Look at pictures of your class animal, what features do you notice? Can you think of some interesting ways to describe them.
- Visit the library and look for some poetry books. Can you find any examples of shape poems?