This term in Jigsaw we will be focussing on the Changing Me unit and looking at how we as people change as we grow up. This week in particular we have used retrieval practice to think about what we learnt in Science about the life cycles. We remembered that a living thing has different stages in its life where it changes and grows, for example an adult frog begins as a tadpole.
After this, we thought about the changes that we might experience as we grow older, for example our feet getting bigger and our body getting taller. We considered the life cycle of a human, where we are in the life cycle, and what is next for us. Lots of us weren’t too keen on becoming “moody teenagers”, but we also thought of the advantages to getting older! Such as, being able to do more things for yourself independently and learning even more about the world around us.
Then, our task was to choose a living thing in two of its development stages, for example a baby and an adult. We would draw these living things and label or write sentences to explain their differences and similarities.
How to help at home
- Can you find any living things at home that you could design its life cycle?
- Find a photo of your grown up when they were a child! Do they look different? What stays the same?